I welcome your e-mails or calls.

E-mail:  ejc@elizabethcowden.com

Tel:  (724) 746-5078
Cecil Township Yesterday . . . and Today

Plank Road is now Route 50.

Copyright 2011  Elizabeth J. Cowden
This Site Spun with Virtual Mechanics SiteSpinner V2
Our schools have grown from a one-room schoolhouse to the expansive facilities we have today.

Our residences look a bit different.

Our "jail" has come a long way!

Overnighters no longer have to stay in a mid-19th century stage coach inn.

Faith remains important.

And Southpointe, a mixed use showplace, has become one of our greatest symbols of progress.

Reflecting on where we've been, Optimistic about where we're headed!

Copyright 2011-2024  Greg Freeman Media
Design Concept & Editing by Greg Freeman Media